Day 1 - May 21st Jaunt down to Folkestone

283 miles 5:56 ride time.

Setting off late afternoon to head down to Folkestone and stay over prior to getting an early train to Calais. 

The day has finally arrived - 21st May 2024, let the tour begin...
Recommendation for the nights place to eat...
The Radnor Arms
We should have taken the recommendation, but the weather was atrocious so stayed at the hotel and used their pub facilities - seriously, the chef will never make it on junior master chief, let alone master chief. Absolute garbage!!
The ride was glorious all the way down to Oxford and then the heavens opened from there on to Folkestone. We enjoyed the delights of n hour delay on the Road to Hell (M25) with queues through roadworks all the way around to the A26 from Heathrow. Fortunately we could filter.
Up early in the morning so had a very easy night, with the least amount off beer ever!
Stanley has packed his trunks and is waiting to go on his holidays with George, Frank and Bertie - I just mentioned that to him and he's been waiting ever since!!! 30 mins he's been sitting here waiting to be collected.